mark down

美 [mɑːrk daʊn]英 [mɑːk daʊn]
  • 记下,抄下;减(价),降低……的价钱;给(学生作业)扣分,降低……的分数;把……归为(尤指反感的类型的人)
mark downmark down

mark down


  • 1
    PHRASAL VERB 记下;抄下
    If you mark something down, you write it down.

    I tend to forget things unless I mark them down...


  • 2
    PHRASAL VERB 认为…为(某类型的人)
    If you mark someone down as a particular type of person, especially a type that you do not like, you consider that they have the qualities which make them that type of person.

    If he'd taken that five pounds, I would have marked him down as a greedy fool...


  • 3
    PHRASAL VERB 减价;降低…的价钱
    To mark an item down or mark its price down means to reduce its price.

    A toy store has marked down the Sonic Hedgehog computer game...


  • 4
    PHRASAL VERB 给(学生的作业)扣分;降低…的分数
    If a teacher marks a student down, the teacher puts a lower grade on the student's work because of a mistake that has been made.

    If you mark each other's work, they don't mark you down because then you can mark them down.



reduce the price of


  1. If you see a traffic accident , mark down the licence of the car .


  2. Use this column to mark down how much each item costs .


  3. Retailers will have to mark down prices sharply to bring in sales


  4. Let 's mark down the prices .


  5. For one day only the washer and dryer mark down another ten percent .


  6. If you witness an accident , mark down the licence of the car .


  7. When markets fell sharply , banks were forced to mark down the value of their assets , leading to heavy losses .


  8. If you feel like breakfast , mark down the menu and hang it outside the door before you go to bed tonight .


  9. The bigger problem for Citi could be the leveraged loans it is unable to sell and will have to mark down .


  10. The International Monetary Fund will mark down this year 's anticipated growth by half a percentage point because of a change in the way national economies are measured .


  11. The rule , as best I can explain it , allows the fed to avoid having to mark down the value of securities that it intends to hold .


  12. You ask them , on the other hand , to mark down their sex , they do worse because they are reminded of a negative stereotype .


  13. In a statement , Mr Buffett blamed the fall in profits on accounting rules that force companies to mark down unrealised gains or losses on derivatives .


  14. Mounting loan defaults have forced banks to set aside billions of dollars in reserves and mark down the value of instruments tied to mortgages and other debt .


  15. Because you are not a staying guest of this hotel , I 'm afraid we have to mark down your passport number before we can keep your luggage here .


  16. To a certain extent , the simulation results shows that the model can illustrate the dynamic attributes of enterprise systems after the strategy of mark down sale is executed , and it is of determinate reference value .


  17. The banks will now only be required to mark down their holdings to levels previously agreed to with the International Monetary Fund in its bailouts of Greece , Portugal and Ireland .


  18. It emphasised the problem of scrubbing toxic assets off banks ' balance-sheets , but gave little guidance on how banks should be forced to mark down their assets to saleable prices .


  19. And to do that , you should carry around a little pencil and paper all day , and each time you feel the impulse ( in this case , to react with anger ), mark down a tally .


  20. If bird watchers found trucks with soil and waste entering Long Valley or Ho Sheung Heung , please mark down the date , time and vehicle number and contact HKBWS staff as soon as possible .


  21. The verdict last week was that big lending banks such Citi and wells might be forced to take losses on troubled loans they want to offload because accounting rules have allowed them not always to mark down their values .


  22. I tend to forget things unless I mark them down


  23. Mark it down in your notebook .


  24. Whenever he sees something wrong on a public sign , he would mark it down and write to the government to complain about it .


  25. This week is Class Picture day . Please mark it down on your calendar !


  26. Mr Johnson tends to mark students down even when they deserve a better result for their work .


  27. They 'll mark you down for poor spelling .


  28. I 'm going to mark you down as being tardy .


  29. The rating agencies recently laid out two important vulnerabilities that might lead them to mark it down .


  30. Mark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the scattered articles .
